Thrift-ola Recommends: Disney Dream Sale on eBay

Our fave nail artist Nancy Mc is saving up for a trip to Disneyland in Florida and to add some extra pennies to her piggy bank she's having a mega Minnie 'n Mickey Mouse sale on eBay...

Mickey 'n Minnie mega sale on eBay.

Mickey ‘n Minnie mega sale on eBay.

Regular Thrift-ola shoppers will know I have a fully overblown obsession with all things Disney so when Nancy Mc posted on Instagram about her Disney eBay sale I’ve never looked up a seller so quickly before. Not one to be greedy though, I thought it only right that I share the good news with my fellow thrifters as I can’t bid on all 19 items, can I? Every item has a starting price of 99p, my kinda sale, and the goods can be found here. I will be keeping a seriously keen eye on this outstanding vintage Mickey ‘n Minnie cardigan. Phwoar!

I also have two super cute Minnie Mouse vintage mugs for sale in my shop so you can drink super cute cuppas whilst bidding away.

Bon chance!

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