Posted on:
July 6, 2014
My love affair with Instagram shows no sign of fading so it's with great joy I bring you an interview with a total babe: Jenna Greenwood aka Pilfered. I've selected 5 of my fave photos from her feed and she takes us through the stories behind the shots... Continue reading »

Handmade plate
I love how you’ve successfully matched cult b-movie horror with country kitchen twee with your plate designs. Tell us more!
As a child I used to watch all the gorey classics (Night of the Living Dead, Nightmare on Elmstreet etc) with my older brother, and then go off and immerse myself in my world of Barbies, Sindys and Sylvanian Families. The juxtaposition of styles is something I’ve continued to express into adulthood. During my Photography degree my signature style was serious themes disguised in kitsch. Today I am a medical photographer, documenting the ailments and injuries of the general public and in my spare time, I rescue crockery. Apparently, the two go hand in hand! Continue reading »
Posted on:
May 16, 2014
The second instalment of my Instagram series features the wonderful candy coloured world of artist, illustrator, designer, crafter, photographer, vintage enthusiast and collector: Hollie Harris. Let's peek behind those photos and find out the stories & fascinating inspiration behind them... Continue reading »

Twiggy as handcrafted wearable art.
Hey Hollie! You recently launched a beautifully handcrafted brooch inspired by the 60s and 70s Twiggy mannequins. Tell us more…
I absolutely adore Twiggy Mannequins and am fortunate enough to own two of them from the 1960’s and 1970’s. Both my girls were the models for my illustrations which became my Twiggy Head Brooches.
The original Twiggy mannequins were based on the famous fashion model and used to display hats and scarves in trendy french fashion boutiques, however mine now reside in North London and are usually seen sporting flower halos!
Each Twiggy brooch is carefully laser cut to my design and specification onto birch plywood, then hand painted by myself in the original colours from each decade before being sealed. Each piece is a wonderful piece of retro jewellery or as I like to think of them, a unique piece of wearable art.
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Posted on:
May 2, 2014
I'm a self confessed Instagram addict and spend far too much time gazing at stranger's photos! In a bid to turn these hours into a worthwhile pursuit I've decided to create a blog series dedicated to my favourite 'grammers and it's gonna be a roller coaster ride of fun finding out about the people and the stories behind the pictures I love to like! Continue reading »

Holy macaroni! Welcome to the world of creepy cute kitschy pastel goodness of Jess Reeves.
I’m mesmerised by jessreeves12‘s IG and her kingdom of kitschy cute ceramic animals, kewpie dolls & plastic fantastic figurines, let’s find out more!!!
Hey Jess! Just how did this crazy-ass collection come about?
I think it is fair to say I have been a collector my whole life! My Grandma collects anything and everything and so I suppose it’s in my genes to be seeking objects out, arranging and rearranging them, bringing order and meaning to what other people often (inaccurately) describe as ‘junk’. Continue reading »